Coaching Skills

Develop your coaching skills to get the best out of your employees. Learn to use coaching techniques as an effective management tool to empower employees. Discover how to foster a coaching culture in your organisation, providing an environment that supports employee development and personal accountability.

You will be able to help employees clarify their performance objectives, create a plan for achieving objectives, identify and overcome barriers to success.

On this 2-day workshop, you will learn:

  • What coaching is and the principles that underlie it
  • Where the boundaries lie
  • When coaching is appropriate (when to coach and when to take the lead)
  • Develop coaching skills: Identify readiness for coaching, establish the coaching relationship, build rapport, listen, reflect, use intuition, use thoughtful questioning, give feedback, develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence, agree on actions
  • Prepare a coaching plan and a personal development plan
  • Structure a coaching session
  • Deal with challenging, difficult and delicate situations
  • Review the effectiveness of coaching
  • Observe experienced coaches in action
  • Gain practical experience conducting and receiving coaching
Make Enquiry