Saville Consulting Psychometric Accreditation: Comprehensive Course
This course is designed to introduce participants to psychometric assessments including aptitude and personality assessments.
This training is aligned with the British Psychological Society Standards (Level A and B), and the European Guidelines on Testing.
On this 2-day course, learning includes:
- Using aptitude assessments professionally in the workplace
- Perspectives on intelligence and aptitudes
- Understanding norms, reliability and validity
- Test administration
- Interpreting assessments and providing feedback
- Predicting job success and performance
- Ethics and equal opportunities
- History of personality, motivation and competency assessment
- New model integrating personality, motivation, competency and culture
- Development of Saville Consulting Wave
- Interpreting Saville Consulting Wave Styles
- Response style and controlling distortion
- Motive and Talent 'splits'
- Normative and Ipsative 'splits'
- Facet 'splits'
- 'Type' in the workplace
- Feedback of assessment results
- Case studies in selection and development
Register your interest for the Saville Consulting Psychometric Accreditation: Comprehnsive Course